Since the blind children normally belongs to the very poor family as well as to the backward classes so that their family never give any attention in their childhood treating as a liability. Our Institution try to bring such type of children to bring them in the main stream of the life by providing the Orientation & Mobility Training. In this training our Institution teach them to make them different type of structure such as animals fruits, toys etc. with the help of the clay and also mobility with the help of the trained instructor so that those children which were never guided and supported by their family started to move their hands, legs and body equal lent to the sighted normal children which develop a confidence to take further education training as per the normal children.
Institution is also giving the training to the blind students to use the brailler so that they can make their own notes in Braille to understand any subject during their school / college life. Even this training will help them also to use the typewriter in English and Hindi and can be get any job in any Institution for their livelihood.
The special arrangements have been made for all the inmates to keep busy, physically & mentally fit after school timing. We also try to develop leadership qualities in the children. A well trained & qualified coach for different sports skills has been provided to our blind children. Indoor games like chess , carom board, cards etc. are provided in the common room. Similarly outdoor games such as Cricket, Long Jump, Athletic (Race), shotput etc. are provided.
Our students had participated in the various games competition in the national & interstate games at Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, Lucknow & Chandigarh.