The Institution is presently governed by a Court-appointed Receiver Sh. C.K. Chaturvedi, Retd. District & Session Judge, to manage the affairs of the residential schools and hostels at both the school.
The Receiver has the authority of the Court to take any decision which a Management Committee is authorized to take as per the buy-laws of Society including but not limited to matters relating so school/hostel and staff, discipline, payments of salaries, etc.
Meetings are held by the Receiver at regular intervals with both the vice-principals to discuss the day-to-day affairs and functioning of the institution.
At present, the number of teachers including vocational staff is 65. Out of them 11 members (aided staff) are covered under 95% grant-in-aid scheme and the rest of the members are paid out of the funds of the Society. As mentioned above the aided staff is getting salary as per their counterparts in government service. The staff paid by the Society is being paid as per government norms. Allied staff comprising 45 members includes Administrative Secretary, Manager, Office Superintendent, Warden, Clerks, Computer Operator, Dormitory Attendants, Cooks, Drivers, Safai Karamcharis, Chowkidars, etc.