Our Curriculum Overview
A Commitment to Excellence
The Institution is running two schools for the blind children, one at Punchkuin Road, New Delhi and other at Amar Colony, Lajpat Nagar-IV, New Delhi. The admission in these schools are open only for the Visually handicapped boys in the age group of 5 to 15 irrespective of caste, color or creed. All modern amenities are available in both the schools. The education upto 8th standard as per the syllabus prescribed by the Education Department of Delhi Government, is given to the student. We are providing free education with special subject of Braille alongwith Vocational & Computer training. These students can get admission in any Government school for higher education.
At present the Institution has total student strength in both the schools is about 200 (+ – 10%). Although all sorts of facilities are provided to the students yet they are not allowed to break the discipline of the school. It is stressed upon them, at the time of admission to be very polite, submissive, sincere and hard working and their performance is judged from the school results.
The students take active part in the co-curricular activities like Annual Cultural Functions celebrated in the Institution and musical competitions, Braille-reading competitions. We proud that our students always win prizes in these competitions and never come empty handed.

The Society also arranges eye-checkup and screening camps, twice a year with the help of Doctors from Shorff Eye Hospital, Darya Ganj and Venue Eye Hospital, Shekh Sarai, New Delhi.

Music Tranining
The Institution feel that music is the lifeline of the blind student where they can put their entire feeling in the various musical instruments whether its vocal or instrumental.

Other Curriculum Activities
Since the blind children normally belongs to the very poor family as well as to the backward classes so that their family never give any attention in their childhood treating as a liability.